March 24, 2020

Meuse 0.4.0 released !

I’m happy to announce the release of Meuse 0.4.0. Meuse is an alternative registry for the Rust programming language. This release will probably be the last one before a 1.0.0 release. What’s new ?

Frontend improvement and authentication

The Meuse frontend has been improved, and now supports authentication. The frontend offers a simple way to browse crates and gather some information about them.

Read-only roles

Originally, Meuse had 2 roles for users:

  • Admin, which can do anything (manage users, crates, categories…​).

  • Tech, which can manage crates (create new crates, publish new versions of a crate if it owns the crate, yank/unyank crates…​).

But I felt something was missing. The Tech role was nice for a CI user for example (if you want to publish new crates from your CI platform), but not so much for developers (you may want to allow only your CI to publish packages).

This release adds a new read-only roles, which should be perfect for developers. Read-only users can still access Meuse, browse and search crates, categories, manage their accounts…​ But they cannot do actions on crates.

Improvements on logs and metrics

Logs and metrics has been improved. Logs contain more informations, and new metrics are now provided.

Internal Refactoring

A lot of refactoring has been done to simplify the request lifecycle. For example, the Interceptor Clojure library is now used by Meuse (I highly recommand this lib if you are a Clojure developer).
Some refactoring has also be done on the unit tests.

Try it !

If you want to try Meuse, please take a look at the documentation. Feedbacks are always appreciated ;)

Tags: projects english

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