Hello, I’m Mathieu, a French engineer.
I have deep technical expertise in platform engineering, infrastructure management and reliability, observability, CI/CD, security, systems architecture, development best practices…
As a problem solver (and as a Senior Staff engineer), my job is to detect and fix technical or organizational issues (both are often related), within a team or globally within an organization, while improving people’s skills.
I maintain several open-source projects (the list is available here), related to various topics (but monitoring and observability is a field where I like experimenting).
I’m familiar with, managed, and used in production a lot of tools or software. But beyond technologies and buzzwords, I’m able to design robust products and systems while taking into account the user’s needs.
Github: https://github.com/mcorbin/
Talks I gave
2024: Rendez vos développeurs autonomes sur la production (Meetup Extia 2024, version améliorée du talk Flowcon) Slides (FR)
2024: Karpenter: le futur de la gestion des noeuds Kubernetes (BDX I/O) Slides (FR)
2024: Comment nous avons fait gagner les équipes tech en productivité (tout en libérant du temps aux SRE) (Staff 42 Meetup) Slides (FR)
2024: Rendez vos développeurs autonomes sur la production (Flowcon) Slides (FR)
2023: Qualité et vélocité: grâce au Lean vous n’avez pas à choisir (Devops D Day) Slides (FR)
2023: Gérer efficacement ses incidents en production (SRE summer camp) Slides (EN)
2022: Une CLI pour les gouverner toutes (SRE summer camp) Slides (FR)
2022: Rendez vos développeurs autonomes sur la production (AlpesCraft) Vidéo, Slides (FR)
2021: Les autorités de certification dans Kubernetes (Online talk) Vidéo, Slides (FR)
2020: Fonctionnement d’un Load Balancer as a service (Online talk) Slides (FR)
2019 Gérez les images de vos machines virtuelles. (Online talk) Vidéo, Slides (FR)
2019 Clojure en production, ça donne quoi ? (Snowcamp) Slides (FR)
2018: Riemann (monitoring tool) (Internal talk) Slides (EN)